Why is it important to engage the community?Why is it important to engage the community?
Posted by Councilman Jeremy Whittaker on Tuesday, July 14, 2020
“I’ve never been a huge fan of most politicians. They are disconnected and have forgotten what it means to represent the average citizen. So you won’t find any political endorsements here. However, what you will find are normal well to do members of our community. I hope you’ll take the time to read their endorsements. “
-Jeremy Whittaker
“Jeremy has been a great advocate and supporter of 1MISSION over the years. He has a big heart for those in need, which he’s demonstrated by his commitment to serving our organization and others in the community. He’s a smart, compassionate leader who draws upon his marketplace experience in bringing innovative ideas to the table.”
-Jason Schneider Law, Founder, CEO 1MISSION
“I met Jeremy for the first time when he knocked on my door before the 2016 election. I was impressed that a candidate would spend 15 minutes with one voter. I asked questions, he gave clear answers, and I appreciated his attempt to meet the voters. Since then, I have followed the work he has done for Mesa and he has earned my admiration all the more. He focuses on the concerns of his district and how to keep Mesa moving forward. He has been a solid voice against unbalanced budgets, against passing initiatives against the voters’ wishes and for holding people accountable for reckless spending. He is the kind of person we need to keep in politics. The more I follow his work and spend time with him, the more I am impressed. I strongly endorse Jeremy for Mesa City Council and am confident he will represent District 2 well.”
-Chase W. Rasmussen, Esq., Rasmussen Injury Law
“Jeremy Whittaker is the best kind of public servant. Because he never wanted to be a politician. He decided to run for office because like so many of us, he was tired of seeing local government be nefarious with its budgets and spending, non-transparent in its baffling decisions, aloof in its relationship with its constituents and ineffective in its disconnected solutions to help the community. But unlike so many of us, Jeremy actually took that risky, necessary leap to run for a seat on Mesa’s City Council to change government from within with the health and prosperity of the community at the top of his plan for action. Jeremy is as authentic as he is intelligent. As strong in his values and beliefs as he is strong in his entrepreneurial success. While on Council, he has consistently challenged the status quo if he believes a policy or bill isn’t actually helping Mesa’s residents and has always listened to and requested feedback from the community to formulate his solutions. There isn’t anyone on any political seat in any city or state that I’ve seen who is as truthful, trustworthy, helpful, and credible as Jeremy Whittaker. If I could give him 10 more endorsements, it still wouldn’t be enough.”
– Odeen Domingo, CO+HOOTS Founding Partner / President
“There is nobody I would recommend more than Jeremy Whittaker for Mesa City Council”.
-Sally E. Downey Doctor of Education Superintendant/CEO East Valley Institute of Technology
“Jeremy is a tireless advocate for small businesses and emerging entrepreneurs. Time and again, he’s not afraid to lead by example and speak up for those who have often been marginalized. I trust no one more than Jeremy to drive innovation, stand up for what’s right and shape our city that supports us all.”
-Jenny poon, CO+HOOTS founder/CEO
“ It is my privilege to count Jeremy as a Friend, but so may many others claim. He is a Friend to Business leaders, walking their walk, and understanding the key value each business brings to solving problems. He is a Friend to the poor and disenfranchised, thinking how well-meaning policies have a larger than normal impact on their daily existence. He is a Friend to your Children, as he constantly evaluates budgetary decisions in light of what brings the greatest impact without burdening your children with the debt ramifications. He is a Friend to Mesa, demonstrating care for his Constituents and serving as a Warrior for doing the right things. It is my honor to be his Friend and Supporter.”
-Kevin Youngblood, Board Chair Local First
“My name is Dan Tyre and I’m an Arizona business person. I’ve known Jeremy Whittaker for four or five years now. I’ve always been impressed. First of all, he’s a smart guy. Second of all, he thinks things through. Third of all he’s very very fair. He thinks on the citizens of Mesa, first and foremost. I’ve seen him walk through a variety of decisions. I’ve seen him be influenced by a rational argument. I think he’s a great representative for the City of Mesa. My name is Dan Tyre. I fully endorse Jeremy Whittaker for Mesa City Council.”
-Dan Tyre, Executive Hubspot
“I have known Jeremy for many years. He is kind and considerate. Those characteristics really shined through when my husband, an active-duty soldier, became sick. Jeremy didn’t hesitate to provide our family with support knowing it was a difficult time for us. I have always viewed Jeremy as a leader. I feel that he would be an asset to Mesa city council.”
-LeeAnn and Mike Gauthier
“Jeremy is an honest, value-driven person who cares for the citizens and families of Mesa. He wants to serve, help, and continue to make Mesa a great place to live.”
-Scott Overstreet
“Jeremy is exactly what Mesa city politics needs. For too long, Mesa has been happy with the status quo, stuck in the past, not moving forward, rather falling behind. Jeremy has come in with the courage and knowledge needed to break things up and make a change. This makes him rather unpopular with others in the city government, but its also what makes him very popular with those living in Mesa District 2. If Jeremy isn’t re-elected I fear the city will continue its slide backward, falling behind fiscally and digging ourselves into an inescapable hole. I wholeheartedly endorse and support Jeremy and will do so as long as he’s willing to fight the good fight for us citizens of the City of Mesa.”
-Michael Overstreet
“Jeremy is an independent outspoken leader willing to fight for the taxpayer. We need a different point of view for diversity and perspective. Jeremy has served our district well and should be able to continue his efforts. Jeremy is a hard worker and dedicated to his constituency.”
-Kathleen Winn, Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board
“I was first impressed with Mr. Whitaker when he stood by the voters and voted against adding another ASU campus to Mesa after the voters had voted it down twice. In fact, Councilman Whittaker has pushed back so hard against the exhaustive spending proposed by the City Council that Giles had to recruit someone to challenge Whittaker!
Whittaker is thoughtful.
Whittaker is brilliant.
Whittaker is savvy.
Whittaker is a businessman.
Whittaker is fiscally conservative.
Whittaker understands finance & economics.
Whittaker can look at numbers and data in deeper ways than most of us and we need those smarts”
-Rustin Pearce
I fully endorse Jeremy for the Mesa City Council in District 2, and I’m asking all my friends and family to support him. He is the one individual you can count on to make sure our city (my hometown) is run without waste. He has been an avid support of being fiscally conservative. With all the hidden agendas – he is the one to always investigate and isn’t afraid to say when things are not right. Please join me in supporting him by returning your ballot or voting in person for him. It is important for all of us.
-Mark Yarbrough
“I have had the pleasure of knowing Jeremy both on a personal and professional level over the last 7 years. Jeremy is a person of honesty and integrity. He knows what it is like to own a business and serving the needs of others. This is why I believe that the City of Mesa would greatly benefit having Jeremy on the City Council.”
-Jack Schneider, Owner of Certified Benz & Beemer
“Jeremy is a man of principle, focus, and action. Not only has he consistently demonstrated the type of character that you would hope for in a friend, but he’s done that consistently in the challenging, dog-eat-dog world of politics. He’s never let situations or party lines blur his judgment, always seeking the higher ground and serving people above all. I’ve seen him do this both in politics, as well as in his efforts with his family and community to serve those in need. Perhaps most importantly, he’s never made things about him, placing himself in the spotlight. We need more people like Jeremy in office, and I\’m pleased to support him as both a representative of our metropolitan area and moreover, as a friend.”
-Jonathan Cottrell, Founder #YESPHX Phoenix Startup Week
“I have known Jeremy for over three years – first professionally and then also on a personal level. No matter the topic, be it business, investing, politics, or social, I find him to be a tireless examiner of details to get the right answer and make the best decision. At times, he even teaches this old dog some new tricks! His enthusiasm, intelligence, and independent thought make him a refreshing candidate in today’s political spectrum. I support him 100% in his re-election bid.”
-Michael J. Sneed, President, Michael J. Sneed CPA, PC
“Councilman Whittaker brings energy and enthusiasm to his mission of being a strong advocate for the citizens of Mesa. He always demonstrates a keen understanding of the data to his positions and decisions.”
-Dr. Judith Lawrence, Retired Educator
“Having grown up in Arizona, and now making Mesa my home, I appreciate the family values, the fiscal horse sense, and the desire to maintain and improve the lives of our citizens here that Jeremy Whittaker brings to the table. I support his past efforts, and his reelection!”
-Dr. James Hoefer
“I have found Jeremy Whittaker to be a rarity among current-day elected officials. He listens to his constituents and has been a consistent voice of the people on the Mesa City Council. Jeremy’s integrity, ethics, and honesty always shine through.”
-Fred Barlam Retired Public School Administrator and Grandpa
“Jeremy Whittaker has my full endorsement for re-election. He has continually shown me that he is financially very responsible and has a great vision for Mesa. Additionally, he has taken time out of his day on several occasions to meet with me personally to answer questions and share his thoughts on Mesa and our great state of Arizona.”
-Steve Dearien, Mesa resident and business owner
“As a citizen of Mesa and Community Advocate, I fully support Jeremy Whittaker! Jeremy cares about the city, it’s future, and will never march to the beat of special interest. He has a record of fighting for the people, and those most often forgotten and without a voice! He deserves re-election!”
-Reverend Andre Miller, Sr.
“Jeremy is the only Mesa council member in recent memory who honestly cares about the issues facing everyday people living in his district. He is the only council member who cares about lowering Mesa utility rates. He has the experience and knowledge to decipher the Mesa City budget – so that we can make meaningful change to how Mesa does business.”
-Monica Michelizzi, Attorney
“I have known and worked alongside Jeremy over the course of 4 years. He is a driven, charitable, and high-integrity man who is focused on helping others. Decisive and a true leader, Jeremy is about building relationships, understanding where he can have the highest impact, and then digging in to help. Never afraid to stand up for what is right, Jeremy has the community’s interests at the forefront of everything he does.”
-Allen Plunkett, Founder Phoenix Staff
“Jeremy is a devout family man and loyal friend. You will be hard-pressed to find a more passionate person once he sets his mind to something. Those rare qualities are evident in his ethical business practices and drive for a better community. Throughout the 13 years, I have known Jeremy he opened a small one-person IT Consulting business and turned it into a thriving company for his employees with a focus on customer success. Utilizing technology to solve problems is the future for the citizens of the City of Mesa and across the US. Jeremy is the best person to have on the Council to help steer the committee in the right technology direction. Jeremy is open-minded, will listen, but also has an opinion. His opinions are rooted in his thirst for knowledge. He is an obsessive reader, and you will likely find him at any given moment with a copy of the “The Economist”, an influential business book, a book on sustainable energy or a political figure’s biography. On a deeper personal level Jeremy and his wife, Roshana, love children, dogs, family, and friends deeply and selflessly. Jeremy will be an exemplary council member with the City of Mesa’s citizens’ best interest in mind. Vote for Jeremy Whittaker!”
-Eli Herron Microsoft
“Jeremy Whittaker is a successful business owner and has achieved success through his dedication to good standards. He is intelligent and works to understand needs and issues. Jeremy thinks independently and seeks to find the best long term solution rather than one that will get us by for now. He is a great advocate for small business because he knows the struggles they have. I believe he Is fiscally conservative and strives to make Mesa a great city. I have known him for over 5 years and am honored to call him a friend.”
-Kristine Ouzts, Retired, Business Finance & Higher Education
“Trust, it is a hard thing to have for politicians these days, but I trust Jeremy Whittaker. Jeremy looks out for the citizens of Mesa by questioning how the City of Mesa is spending our tax dollars. He also questions how much we are billed for our utilities. As a businessman, Jeremy understands the importance of long-term sustainability. Too many times, governments look at the short-term impact of their decisions and kick the can down the road for future leaders to have to deal with. I trust Jeremy to
make our voices heard and hold our leaders accountable. Thank you Jeremy for serving District 2 by looking out for the best interest of all the residents of the City of Mesa!”
Judy Nelson Thompson, CPA
Arizona Native
Resident of Mesa since 1986
“Even when it is extremely unpopular to challenge the status quo of his peers, Jeremy does it, and he does it at every single council meeting. His relentless pursuit of doing the right thing for Mesa residents is an example of the behavior that other city officials should strive for. Mesa is fortunate to have him.”
-Luis Montes, CEO of Iced Development in Mesa.
“I live in Mesa and run an eduction-technology startup company headquartered here. I have known Jeremy for years and have the utmost respect for him as a businessman and councilman. He brings a much-needed perspective to our local government with a friendly and caring vibe. I had the pleasure of building houses for those in need with Jeremy, spending time with him and his family, a family that exudes the morals and culture that makes Mesa a great place to call home.”
-Ken Robertson, Co-founder & COO @Picmonic
“I have known Jeremy for many years. He is kind and considerate. Those characteristics really shined through when my husband, an active-duty soldier, became sick. Jeremy didn’t hesitate to provide our family with support knowing it was a difficult time for us. I have always viewed Jeremy as a leader. I feel that he would be an asset to Mesa city council.”
-LeeAnn and Mike Gauthier
I have known Jeremy for about 9 years now. I know him to be entrepreneurial, and pro-business. He is a person who is pragmatic, fair, smart, and professional. He understands risk and how to evaluate it. I think he would be a great city council member.
-Greg Michalawski Chief Currency Analyst
“I’ve known Jeremy for 12 years. He’s an honest, hard working small businessman who loves Arizona. There’s not one person I know more qualified to represent Mesa than him.”
-Rob Booker, Host, The Booker Report Radio Show
Jeremy is a problem solver. I’ve witnessed him overcome countless challenges across the twelve plus years I’ve known him. I attribute much of Jeremy’s success to his impeccable work ethic, determination, and open-mindedness. These qualities only begin to explain what makes him such a phenomenal candidate for Mesa City Council.
-David Hake Teacher Roosevelt School District
“I have known Jeremy for over 10 years. Jeremy worked for SMCC as an adjunct faculty member and I was very impressed with his abilities. Jeremy is very dedicated and goes above and beyond with everything that he is involved with. I am certain Jeremy will be a strong asset to the Mesa City Council.”
-Frank Torres Department Chair Maricopa Community Colleges District
“I like the novel perspectives and data Jeremy brings to City Council meetings. Good systems become anti-fragile the more they are tested, and Jeremy fearlessly pokes at Mesa to help us find our strengths and weaknesses.”
Tim Boyle, Principal Architect at Tim Boyle Design
“Jeremy Whittaker is one of the smartest, most committed, and entrepreneurial people I know. He’s perfect for these times when rapid change accompanied by uncertainty demand agile and nimble government responses.”
-Francine Hardaway, Cofounder Stealthmode Partners
“Jeremy’s knowledge of IT has been of great value over the past 8 years. We continue to utilize Jeremy’s service because he is cost conscious and always willing to step up during emergencies. In short, he treats our company as an extension of his own.”
-Sean Babson President Hewson Development Company
“Jeremy’s technology solutions business provided the needed guidance for a business incubator the Gila River Indian Community started in 2010. I have found him to be professional, dedicated, and a man of high integrity.”
-Stephen Puhr Board Member Hopi Tribe Economic Corporation
“One man with courage makes a majority,” said Andrew Jackson who sought to advance the rights of the common man against a corrupt aristocracy and preserve the union. Your work on City Council has been courageous, meaningful, and effective for Mesa residents and business owners in all districts of the City not just your home district. I look forward to your re-election and four more years of your service to advance the rights of every Mesa citizen and business.
-Bob McNichols, Developer and General Manage Longbow Business Park & Golf Club
Having been a client of Jeremy Whitaker for over 7 years, I’ve gotten to know him professionally. Since his campaign has started for the council seat, I have learned that his views and ideas are very much the same as mine. Professionally, I am confident that he can rise to the challenge. Ethically and fiscally he also is a proven leader. As a third-generation Arizonan and a lifelong Mesa resident both as a small business owner and an employer, I have every confidence in endorsing Jeremy Whitaker for Mesa City Council.
-Michael Swain
“Jeremy has been a valuable, diligent, and knowledgeable asset to my organization. I am consistently impressed with his overall work ethic and highly recommend for Mesa City Council in 2016.”
-Adam Rankin Sr. Account Executive MicroAge
“There are many issues that make it tough on small businesses. Jeremy understands those issues and I believe he has the drive to help the small business owner not only survive, but flourish.”
-Bruce Penman President Velocity Solutions Group
“Jeremy understands the pressure on small business to succeed in such a tough economic environment. He has outstanding values and lives his life with Honor and Integrity. Such qualities are often missed in today’s Government officials. Jeremy understands middle america and the needs to level the playing field for all!”
-Howard Kahn Regional Operations Director Red Robin Burgers and Brews
“I met Jeremy in 2014; he’s actually a competitor of mine in the IT Services industry. A mutual friend introduced us and I am glad he did. It is refreshing to know that there are others out there that put their ethics before profit in the business world. Jeremy is a good competitor and one I honestly can say I don’t mind losing to. He is a stand-up guy that does what he says he’s going to do.”
-Tim Kellen Small Business Owner
“I was introduced to Jeremy in 2014 and have experienced firsthand Jeremy’s willingness to help those in need. Jeremy’s dedication to finding the right solution vs. delivering the easiest solution makes him an exceptional candidate to represent his community. I fully support and endorse Jeremy because I know he will always stand up for those who can’t and will do everything possible to solve problems~ not simply mask the symptoms.”
-Rob Erickson, OnX Enterprise Solutions
When Jeremy first told me about his intentions of running for Mesa City Council. My immediate thought was that there is not another person I have met who would be more fitting for the job. Jeremy is an intelligent, hardworking, honest, and a natural-born leader. Jeremy’s ability to insert himself into the complex problems of modern business and be seen as the lifeguard swimming to rescue you is a truly rare and sought after skill. I believe with these traits that Jeremy would serve as a great representative for the people of Mesa.
-Mason Sanchez President VM Marketing Solutions
“Over the last 10 years, Mr. Whittaker has been a Senior Consultant to our organization. Jeremy is an accomplished, detail-oriented Professional with proven experience developing and delivering sophisticated technology-based solutions addressing business needs. His unique ability to consult, design, and execute are skills that I feel will make him a valuable team member for the City of Mesa Council.”
-Angel Chacon Vice President VSG
“I have known Jeremy for 4 years. We serve together on our Home Owners Association Board. He has proved to be a very knowledgeable and active member of our community working diligently to ensure our community is safe and well maintained. He has definitely shown his ability to work as a team leader. I know he would put forth that same effort to benefit all the people of Mesa.”
-Joyce Zemel Secretary Vista Villages II
“Jeremy’s heart for the City of Mesa is very evident. In fact, he wears his love for doing the right thing for the people of his community right on his sleeve. I first met Jeremy almost 2 years ago and it was clear from the start that he is truly interested in not only making our community a better place for our families but for also living up to being a good civil voice in the same community where he successfully runs his business. I endorse Jeremy Whittaker as a great voice for the people of Mesa and I look forward to the direction in which he will responsibly lead us as a member of the Mesa City Council.”
-Dean Harris National Account Manager Arizona State Medicaid Healthcare
“Jeremy brings an important perspective and a demonstrated track record to Mesa city council. Starting and growing a technology business by building enduring customer loyalty and trust is a testament to Jeremy’s acumen and community support.”
-Jim Niblack Managing Member Diligencia
“As a small business owner, I fully support the principles of Jeremy’s political stance. He understands what it takes to make it as a small business in today’s economy. This is a person who has the desire and knowledge to fight for us little guys to succeed. A vote for Jeremy Whittaker is a vote for the common individual.”
-Clayton Moore Owner Moore Installations and Carpentry
-Richard Arbogast CEO San Tan Behavioral Health Services, LLC
–Scott Archer Att
“When I first needed Jeremy’s expertise, I reached out to my predecessor for who he used as a resource. It was clear from the first time I called on Jeremy, to see why he was our go to guy, professional, polite, understanding and informative are a few ways to describe Jeremy. Our company trusts Jeremy with the most delicate processes and information within our organization. We consistently have our service providers pointing fingers and passing the blame. Then we call on Jeremy and he is always very professional and to the point. He finds the find the problem, offers solutions, and follows up after to make sure we were still operating correctly. While I have only used Jeremy’s services a couple of times in the years that I have been here, each and every time I have been very please with the performance and the results from his work.”
-Waylon Bennett President Poolman
“I have known Jeremy for many years and he has always been an impressive, smart, savvy, accomplished guy that has managed his life well. He would be an asset as part of the Mesa City council in leading and managing the city. “
-Pete Kuzo Onwer The UPS Store
I have known and have worked with Jeremy for over a decade now, and find him to be extremely competent, reliable and solution focused. He has always worked with the clients best interest at heart and has excelled at delivery consistent results and strong customer relationships. I will support Jeremy in any endeavor he pursues, because I know his heart will be in it!!
-D. Brian Hodshire
“Jeremy Whittaker is without a doubt, one of the most motivated people I’ve ever known. His drive to make the community a better place is an inspiration to those around him. Jeremy is a man of extraordinary business and political acumen, and I couldn’t think of a better person to continue making Mesa a top notch place to live.”
-Brad Myers Sr. Systems Engineer Hitachi Data Systems
“Jeremy is the absolute individual who will fight for us taxpayers on items that makes this city what it is and what it can be for the future. I have complete trust that he will be the best individual for this position. He brings his wonderful personality with his eagerness to help others to everyone he meets.”
Angel Flores President A&A Renovations LLC
“I endorse Jeremy for Mesa city council because he has a strong work ethic and character with the desire to continue making Mesa a great place to work and live.”
-Ken Padilla CEO Sunaire House, INC
“I’ve known Jeremy for several years now, and over that course of time, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know him both personally and professionally. He’s a very articulate and informed individual, who also seems to have an inner drive to want help others who are less fortunate than himself. Because of that trait, I introduced Jeremy to a friend of mine who runs several foster care homes in area. Before long, I heard that Jeremy was donating several computers to their facility and installing them himself. He also offered them free tech support and asked if there was anything else he could do to help. I’m glad to call him my friend. If he’s elected I think the community of Mesa will benefit.”
-Steve Wasson
If you’re interested in endorsing Jeremy please let us know.