Author's posts
Jul 02
Who are the U.S. Senate Candidates for Arizona in 2020
Daniel “Demand Daniel” McCarthy U.S. SenatorRepublicanTraditional Funding Website Facebook Twitter YouTube BiographyEmail: Phone: 602-396-5276 Mark Kelly U.S. SenatorDemocraticTraditional Funding Website Facebook Twitter YouTube Martha McSally U.S. SenatorRepublicanTraditional Funding Website Facebook Twitter YouTube BiographyPhone: 520-488-4610 Email: Alan White (Write-In) U.S. SenatorLibertarianTraditional Funding BiographyPhone: 623-251-6100 Email: Barry Hess (Write-In) U.S. SenatorLibertarianTraditional Funding BiographyEmail: …
Jul 02
Arizona Primary Frequently Asked Questions
When is the primary election? The primary election is August 4th. When is the voter registration deadine? July 6th When does early voting begin? Ballots go out on July 8th What is the last day to request a ballot? July 24th What is the last day to mail back my early ballot July 29th What …
Jun 12
Who’s Buying Your Mayor and Mesa City Council? Ever Wonder Why?
Should people who do business with the City of Mesa be able to donate to City of Mesa political campaigns. Should people who do business with the City of Mesa be able to donate to City of Mesa political campaigns. Posted by Councilman Jeremy Whittaker on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 One of the things I …
May 21
Federal COVID funds should be for those in need not to balance our budget
I’m extremely disappointed in what the Mesa City Council and management did today. We received $90 million from the federal government to support people in our community who have been impacted by COVID-19. Instead of putting this money to use in our community to support things like rent/mortgage, food, and utilities for our residents we’re …
May 08
Mesa CARES Small Business Reemergence Program
The City of Mesa received $90 million in stimulus from the federal government. Of that money, roughly $20 million will be spent to help small businesses impacted by Covid-19. The money will need to be spent on rent, mortgage, or utilities. Applications will open on Monday, May 11th at 8AM. You can apply here – …
Apr 01
How small businesses can apply for free money from CARES act.
How small businesses can apply for free money from CARES act. I’ve been studying the CARES act in the last week since it was signed into law. I wanted to link to a few resources for small businesses impacted by the Coronavirus. There are two separate loans available, the economic injury disaster loan and the …
Jan 06
Bankrupt Pensions & Unsustainable Pay Increases
Last month at a Council meeting I voted against pay increases for our top city officials. Below is a chart showing pay increases for their respective positions over the last 20 years. The red line is the average for the citizens of Mesa. This chart compares the citizens of Mesa salary increases per capita to …
Oct 15
2019 Mesa Average Residential Household Cost Comparison
2019 Mesa Average Residential Household Cost Comparison The purpose of this report is to analyze the amount paid by the typical Mesa household for direct services provided by the City of Mesa. These amounts are then compared to seven other comparable cities in the Phoenix metropolitan area. This report takes into account property tax, sales …
May 29
Proud to announce our website is complete and we have started a new initiative to modify the City of Mesa charter. It’s called “Yes on Affordable Utilities”. This will push to preserve our utilities by making sure adequate investments are made into their financial sustainability. More details can be found on the website, “Yes …