Author's posts
Apr 19
Mesa’s 2019 Bond Rating Reports
This week Mesa’s bond rating agency reports were released by S&P and Moody’s, two of the three largest credit rating agencies. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything on the financial health of Mesa and I feel like now would be an appropriate time. If you don’t follow finances or understand accounting, I would …
Jan 17
CES 2019: Replacing Humans with Supercomputers
CES 2019: Replacing Humans with Supercomputers CES, formally known as the Consumer Electronics Show, is a yearly convention that unveils the latest advances in technology. Last week, I attended CES where it seems the overarching theme was how to eliminate humans from processes, or better said: how to use artificial intelligence (AI) and computers to …
Oct 23
Mesa Question 2: Does Mesa need 65 new police officers?
Does Mesa need 65 new police officers? One of the main arguments that I keep hearing time and time again is, “as the city grows we need to increase sales tax to support our public safety”. This statement has absolutely no logic. To make things simple, I’ll use the following analogy. You have a population …
Oct 18
Mesa Question 2 Propaganda
Mesa Question 2 Propaganda One of the hardest things for me to discern as a councilmember is what spending is necessary and what spending is being pushed for political purposes. I received the following propaganda in the mail this week and felt the need to weigh in on the issue. I find it troubling anytime someone …
Oct 12
Yes on Prop 127, it’s what we should want the future of energy to look like for our children
I’m voting YES on Prop 127, it’s what we should want the future of energy to look like for our children It’s time to end the utility monopoly Jobs – the number of solar jobs created from this will be massive Part of a more comprehensive plan to move towards more sustainable energy sources other …
Oct 09
Mesa voters being asked to consider half a billion dollars of new debt
This year on our ballots in Mesa we will be asked to consider half a billion dollars of new debt. Local control of the budget vs. spending caps from the state (Question 1) Raising the sales tax 14% (Question 2) $85 million dollars to build a police/fire joint station in northeast Mesa (Question 3) $111 …
Aug 06
Why I’m voting no on Mesa’s Question 1, “home rule”
My response below will be on the ballot this November 6th opposing Mesa’s Question 1, “home rule”. (Maximum of 300 words limit a detailed explanation) In 2016 “Question 1” on your ballot asked if you wanted to increase your sales tax by 23% to pay for an ASU campus to be built in downtown Mesa. Overwhelming …
Jul 18
Mesa City Council, more corrupt than anyone in Washington D.C.
Should people who do business with the City of Mesa be able to donate to City of Mesa political campaigns. Should people who do business with the City of Mesa be able to donate to City of Mesa political campaigns. Posted by Councilman Jeremy Whittaker on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Mesa City Council, more corrupt …